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Monday, November 16, 2009

Fire! WOO

The construction in the new Fire Dojo'll be finished soon and on November 24th you'll be able to play Card-Jitsu Fire!

Since the video came out, lots of you have been asking how to get ready to play the new game. The first step to is to become a ninja:

    * Head to the Dojo to train
    * After you earn your belts and beat Sensei, he'll give you your Ninja Mask

amulet.jpgOnce you're a ninja, get the golden Amulet and head to the new Fire Dojo! I can't give away all the surprises... but I can tell you that up to 4 ninjas can play at once!! And just like in the original Card-Jitsu game, you'll be able to enter codes from your offline cards to add to your online collection.

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